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Save fuel with the window trick, here is the foolproof technique

Save fuel with the window trick? Here’s what this foolproof technique is that can save you money!

Fuel savings are a goal we all aspire to, given the exorbitant costs involved.

For this reason, it is good to know some tips to save on consumption and spend less. A very effective but little-known trick is that of windows, which apparently saves fuel and therefore a lot of money. But what is it made of? Here’s everything you need to know about the window trick.

Fuel Prices Skyrocket Rising
fuel prices for some time have brought no peace to consumers or drivers’ wallets. The latter are forced to always pay a higher amount for the same quantity of fuel.

If you want to travel by car and need to reach further destinations on vacation, you also have to deal with fuel costs. For many families, it will be virtually impossible to go far this year, as fuel costs have a major impact on the available vacation budget.

Some give it up completely, others opt for cost-effective solutions. But there is an effective trick to saving fuel costs: the window trick. Let’s find out what it is!

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If you open the windows with the air conditioning on and the car is traveling above 80 kilometers per hour, resistance is created which has a negative impact on fuel consumption. Numerous tests have shown that you can save up to 35 euros per tank of fuel on a long distance journey by using the window trick.

Tips to save on consumption
However, it is also advisable to follow other tips to save fuel and at the same time use the vehicle’s air conditioning to cool down on hot days.

It is not recommended to accelerate and decelerate frequently because these two movements require a lot of energy from the vehicle and therefore fuel consumption increases significantly. Another tip for saving fuel is to drive at as constant a speed as possible to avoid sudden braking and the resulting loss of fuel consumption.

As we have seen, using the window trick to reduce fuel consumption is simple and allows you to use the air conditioning while enjoying the coolness inside the vehicle. If you follow the other tips as well, you’ll save even more on fuel consumption and spend less money on fuel, which is important given the dramatic increases that have occurred recently.

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